Mock Vis Moot Pleadings by Teams of the Universities Lucerne and Basel at Thouvenin Rechtsanwälte
On 25 March 2019, teams of the Swiss universities Lucerne and Basel presented in our offices their oral pleadings prepared for the Vienna Vis Moot Court before a tribunal composed of Simon Hohler (presiding arbitrator), Raphael Meier and Michael Bösch. The students pleaded on the procedural issues and on the merits of the exact same case, which will be dealt with at the 26th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna.
The annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot is an international competition amongst more than 350 student teams from universities across the world. The teams act as arbitration counsel in a dispute governed by the Vienna Convention (CISG). To that end, they submit written submissions and meet for the exchange of oral arguments in Vienna.
Our law firm welcomes and supports the students’ interest to gather experience in international commercial arbitration already during law school and thus offers them the opportunity for mock pleadings in our offices. In addition, Thouvenin Rechtsanwälte again sponsors the team of the University Lucerne.
A picture of the teams of the universities Lucerne and Basel together with Simon Hohler and Raphael Meier can be found here: Vis-Moot-Teams-at-Thouvenin-Rechtsanwälte1.jpg (jpg 75 KB)